ByDilly is a family company dedicated to community growth and universal improvement. From education to street safety, byDilly aims to inspire people to get out, have fun with friends, laugh, learn, and enjoy life safely.

Positive change is ALWAYS a good thing.

Without Further Ado, It's Auntie Aye-Aye!

Without Further Ado, It's Auntie Aye-Aye!

Auntie Aye-Aye has the style senses of Iris Apfel and Punky Brewster. She’s the new and improved Mother Goose, with a hint of Dear Abby. She delights in teaching history, science, and social insight through positive rhymes. She doesn’t let nature hold her back from stepping out as a sunny sensation.

Join Auntie Aye-Aye in her book series while she re-examines Mother Goose’s well intended rhymes, tackles big questions, and journeys through wonder and whimsy while exploring “why”.

Abigail has thought about both young and old readers, filling this book with fascinating tidbits and melodic rhymes expertly created in perfect form. I like the unique concept. Her delightful writing voice shines.

-25th Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards

The road to success is always under construction.

-Lily Tomlin

I once met a man who enjoyed the simple joy of walking to coffee every morning. He had little to his name, but he was kind and consistent. I enjoyed his company in passing, but was startled one day when he came into the shop limping and wearing a neck brace. He told me he was hit by a car AGAIN on his way to coffee.

Once was bad enough, but AGAIN?!?! That’s unacceptable. We all need to make eye contact with motorists before crossing a street and wear easy-to-see clothing. Maybe carrying this convenient STOP sign umbrella with us wouldn’t hurt. Bonus points: THIS STOP sign doubles as weather protection too! Please keep yourself and your loved ones safe.